Red calliandra (RC)
Red calliandra (RC) is the best raw material for WP compared to Chinese petai, gamal and sengon buton in terms of growth rate. Energy contained in KM 4600kcal / kg, charcoal 7,400 kCal / kg, one kg of (RC)pellets is equivalent to thermal energy of 5.35kWh or electricity of 1.355 kWh. Soil fertilization through nitrogen fixation in the soil, and specific gravity, so that the ash content can be lower. Moreover, the age of (RC) can reach 29 years once planted, and can be harvested 2 times a year, so it takes 1.5 years to produce electricity. One Ha (RC) can produce 20-65m3 of wood / year or 20-35ton / year. Minimum planting density of 5000 trees / Ha (spacing 1x2m), can be trimmed as high as 1m above the soil surface repeatedly every 4 months (3 x a year) if fertile and lots of rainfall. Under coconut stands (60% light), (RC) can be planted as a fill crop.
For a capacity of 100kW, the investment cost is around Rp.5.5 billion (Jan 2017) including the provision of 30Ha critical land (land lease of Rp. 1.5 billion for 20 years, seedlings, and planting / maintaining 250,000 trees).
(RC) is not only used as raw material for WP, its leaves are used as animal feed (high protein), and the flowers are used for beekeeping (honey production (calliandra white honey) comes from the world famous RC flower nectar. One Ha RC produces honey at least 1 ton / year. (1000 kg x IDR 50,000 / kg = IDR 50 million / year = IDR 4,17 million / month), while in Europe it can reach 2 tons / year) for 15 years without significant maintenance. The radius of the bees looking for nectar is about 5km
Red Kaliandra grows well at an altitude of 400-600m above sea level, pH ~ 5, and a little water. The plant also functions as a medium land cover (shrub) (soil fertilizer / land conservation / erosion resistance on sloping land / ex-mining land such as tin, coal, gold, nickel, etc.) to avoid flooding and revive critical, dry, sandy land. , and barren, because it functions as soil fertility, its root roots sink into the ground, and other fine roots that extend to the surface of the soil. KM functions to preserve nature.
Some examples of RC planting locations:
• Gamal and calliandra planted in Sumbawa 5000 Ha.
• 100 thousand stems on critical land in Wonogiri in collaboration with the Ministry of PDT;
• P Singkep (Kep Riau) (on critical land ex-tin mining);
• Regency. North Gorontalo (PT Citra Makmur kencana).
• An example of developing RC as a coal substitute WP (ET) independently of the community (no government assistance) was carried out in Butur (North Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province). Initially, a RC nursery of only 100,000 trees was developed in Kulbar (West Kalisusu district) by GANTI (Indonesian Farmer Fisherman Movement) Butur, with a target of one million trees in the future. An MoU with PT Energi Indonesia (WP factory) was signed to purchase RC from the farmers.
The process of making wood pellets:
• Powder the ingredients first
• place it in a rotary-dryer to reduce its moisture content to 10%
• Put the dry powder (which has been mixed with tapioca flour; no need for bagasse, because it already contains sugar) to be pressed and heated around 180 oC into a pellet making machine with the final WP cylindrical shape 6-10 mm in diameter, 1-3 cm long , and a density of 650 kg / m3.
• pack / pack, send to the other party
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